Otohime and Urashima Taro fall into the human world from Fairy Land. Otohime, who loves hospitality, begins serving various extravagant foods in an effort to please people. The girls try to get Otohime to return to Fairy Land, but neither Otohime nor Urashima Taro will listen. Furthermore, Otohime has become a fan of Wish and says she wants to give him Valentine's chocolate at his Valentine's concert. However, Otohime's handmade chocolate is very strange chocolate that causes the person who eats it grow old. Not listening to the girls trying to stop her, Otohime goes to the concert hall. The girls also head to the concert hall to try to stop Otohime, but they don't make it in time and everyone has become elderly. And on top of that, even Wish eats the chocolate...
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