Mom Tane Nai Samjay (2025)
Set in London, this emotional drama follows the life of Aashka and Kunal, a couple who strive to uphold Indian culture while raising their children. Aashka sacrifices her career to care for their growing family, focusing on their children Meera (alias Merry) and Kabir. As the children grow up, Meera embraces a modern lifestyle of late-night parties and multiple relationships, while Kabir pursues dreams of becoming a successful businessman. Meanwhile, Kunal becomes increasingly preoccupied with his business, leaving Aashka feeling neglected and undervalued. Tensions escalate when Aashka feels alienated from her family, prompting her to leave home. She finds solace with students who lack maternal love, transforming their chaotic household into a nurturing environment. As Aashka's absence reveals the vital role she played in their lives, Kunal and the children realize their mistake and seek to reconcile. Through heartfelt conversations, they acknowledge the irreplaceable value of a mother's love and support. Ultimately, the family learns to appreciate and respect Aashka's sacrifices, welcoming her back home with newfound understanding and appreciation for her unwavering dedication.
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